Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fever Dreams

I'm a stupid guy. Share my stupidity. Try this, some guy is a genius, a baby raper and a stinking schmuck. He ends up living a the life of a revered baby raper and genius. He spends years with a tribe that practices ritual baby rape. He "finds" a disease in the tribe next door. The disease didn't exist before he showed up, and doesn't exist now. Outside the world of the stupid, this would be called a clue. How stupid am I? This guy, Carleton Gajdusek, was real. He was a child rapist and pornographer. Sadistic, if you're keeping score. He graduated from Harvard medical school. At the time he was the youngest graduate. He did a residency at Cinc childrens hospital. It didn't work out. The genius pediatrican was caught in the act of raping and murdering a baby. Being a genius and having conections, he was offered military service in leiu of prison. He got off on the old "temporal lobe epilepsy" defense. Sadistic monster, so what? The military booted him as unsuitable at the time. He slimed around universities until he was back in the Army.
I am a knuckle dragging idiot.

during WWII freeze dried serum was associated with around 60 unexplainable deaths from some neuropathology. Institute of Tropical medicine, freeze dryer quarantined. In the possesion of US Army. Gajdusek had access to the freezed dried samples, the lyophilizer, corpses of the victims, and he set about the crime of the millenium.

Stupid am I, more than you.
Years of injecting unsuspecting victims with the "stuff" he figured out dosage, latency, progression to symtoms and death. In 1954, he set out to kill the Fore and rape the Kuks. In 1957 he reported the disease, that he had injected into Fore women and children.

Idiot that I am, I don't believe this. It could happen, purely by the action of the immutable laws of nature, that the specific demography and geography of kuru victims, Gajduseks paraphilias Kuku kuku rituals all were as natural and inevitable as a total solar eclipse in Manhattan.

Sure, but I'm an idiot.

Chimpanzees injected with the "stuff" got kuru.
Chimpanzees inoculated orally did not.
Them apes ate brainz.
Zombie chimp.
Thombie Chimp.
30 chimps injected with the "stuff" got kuru.
Oral chimps not.
Curious, if you are not an idiot.
Luke 16:10
or if you're an idiot "I am a fractal!"
I am an idiot so I do not believe that DCG was a pure and perfect monster, sadist child rapist, murderer nonpariel, and stinking schmuck. I also don't believe that he used his postion at NIH to rape children world wide, on film. I don't believe that he injected Robert R. with a bacteria free extract of chimpanzee serum from one of his zombie chimps. Or that on October 14, 1976 he injected one of his "sons" from Haiti with the same extract, in reaction to said "son" denigrating his (DCG) crowning achievement "SHARING" the Nobel with, well, that Jew.
So in 1974 Jenny Lou screamed "Baby Fucker!! Goddamn pusillanimus baby fucker!! God damn you Carleton Gajdusek you God damned pusillanimus baby fucker, I saw you fuck that baby! Baby fucker!!" and then she died. Whoa, crazy lady, dying screaming about Gajdusek. Jenny Lou was a nurse, in a children's hospital in Cincinnati. In considering this, we resort to the idiots tool, the analysis of competing hypotheses.
Idiot that I am, consider, folks say Gajdusek was a saint, a humanitarian. He admits to raping 300 children. Competing hypotheses: Saint and humanitarian or guy has a day job as a saint and humanitarian to pay for torture chamber studios production of "Wild man from Borneo rapes baby boys".

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