Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Goiter in the Kuru region

The Fore, the tribe that had the kuru epidemic, lived within walking distance of the Kuku kuku, a tribe of baby rapers.

Kuru couldn't be transmitted to chimpanzees orally. Had to be injected into the bloodstream. Or inocullated directly on the exposed brain.

Women and children got kuru. Women and children in the kuru region also suffered from Iodine deficiency. The treatment was to inject them with iodinated olive oil.
Target population for DCG "experiment".
Blood transmission of neurodegenerative disease. WWII freeze dried serum incident. Serum transmitted the disease, so did the equipment used to process the serum. recipients of disease free serum, that is the donors had no neurological disease, came down with the same neurological disease as the recipient of the diseased serum, the disease somehow persisting on the processing equipment.

So disease with unknown etiological agent, persists in medical equipment.
This had been observed in brain surgery. Instrument tranmitted disease.

so what? The thing is that DCG may have been a genius, and no one proved that he went and killed the Fore, but you know you could nab a sheep or goat with scrapie, drain its csf, and make a scrapie/CJD injection kit, and find some spear chuckers, and recreate the kuru epidemic.

Of course, I could be wrong. How do I produce kuru? ?Goat thyroid. Source of powdered thyroid in the old days. Scrapie infected goat processed into thyroid powder. It would be nice if I could find in the older literature, a case of fatal neuropathy in a patient who received goat powdered thyroid, the goat having scrapie. Or even better, a case of fatal neuropathy in a patient getting injected with a suspension of goat thyroid, and a corresponding lack of neuropathy in patients taking infected goat thyroid orally.

There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men.

Edmund Burke

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Luke 16:10

DCG is the greatest criminal in the history of the world.

"I am a fractal."


Fractals are not human beings, but saying you are one is what you might say if you couldn't remember your scriptures. That would be Luke 16: 10, Rexella. So he would be a criminal on any scale.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011


A survivor of the Battle of Rourkes Drift, on his deathbed screamed “The Zulus are coming to kill us.” He was safe at home in England, but he never left Africa. Jenny Lou screamed at me, for quite some time about the rape of a baby, accused me of being a baby raper, and accused me of being Carleton Gajdusek. She was dying in a nursing home in Fort Smith Arkansas, but she never left Cincinnati children’ hospital.

Her story is incredible, that she caught Carleton Gajdusek in the act of raping and murdering a baby. She was a screaming dying old lady, disinhibited by fear and disease, cursing me and raging so sincerely that when she started screaming about a baby, I looked around for the child.

During the summer of 1977, while destroying files of merchant mariners under the FOIA, a coworker passed a file to me that didn’t seem as fantastic as a great many of the war stories we read while being specifically told not to. Unbelievable stories. Submarines, torpedoes, mines, stories of the merchant marine after the war, The Texas city explosion health and dental files, prostitutes in Baltimore( some quite famous if the files are to be believed),but the file of our concern was, uh dull.

After declaring war on Germany in December 1941 French flagged ships were seized in US ports. On one commercial vessel anchored in NYC, a Frenchman was seized and held. A WWI veteran, he joined the US merchant marine. He shipped out of New Orleans on a trip to Maracaibo to bring latex to the US. During the trip he became unable to perform his duties, and was put off the boat in Maracaibo, where he died of “alcoholic dementia”.

While he was stateside, he was a blood donor. His blood was processed into serum and freeze dried. His serum was reconstituted and given to a wounded airman, who recovered from his burns and broken bones suffered in a training accident. The airman did not return to service. He died of a nonspecific neurological disorder.

Shortly thereafter, a number of other recipients of freeze dried serum died of nonspecific neurological disease. These recipients did not receive serum from the dead Frenchman or the pilot trainee; they received serum that had been processed through the same freeze dryer. The cleaning and disinfecting step used did not prevent the passage of some agent that caused the disease.

The cleaning and disinfecting steps used would prevent the transmission of any known pathogen, and the materials used in the processing aren’t known to be neurotoxic.

This is an interesting problem.

First thing, quarantine the freeze dryer and ancillary equipment.

Second thing, there is a war on, when it is over, get some good researchers to figure out what the hell happened.